There will also be some questions where the user is asked to rate on a ten point scale. These
questions will be the pertaining to speed and the quality of the clip they are watching. I chose a ten
point scale for these two questions because it is easier to judge speed in increments between one and
ten and most lm rating is done on a scale from one to ten or one hundred9. I will be asking about
the perceived speed of the car, as this is reported to be aected by both motion blur and frame rate.
By getting the test participants to rate the quality of the clip, they are determining how believable
they found the clip as a whole, which is linked to realism. The nal section of the questionnaire will
ask whether the test participants noticed any dierences between the clips, and if they did they will
be asked to write down what these dierences were. After this they will ll in their age and gender
and be asked a few yes no questions as to whether they have any knowledge of computer graphics
or consider themselves lm enthusiasts. The nal question will be whether they saw The Hobbit: An
Unexpected Journey in 3D at 48fps, since this question may give away to some that the dierence
between the clips has something to do with the frame rate.