serID: 10869929
current country: United States United States
61 years old Male
Looking for Female Penpals
Between 47 and 65
Quote I'm a simple,educated and a happy gentleman that enjoys the simple things in life as well as the complicated ones. I'm super independent and a great friend. I enjoy traveling , dining , working out cooking. I'm not the greatest dancer but I can defend myself. at 61 I'm not so much in to the club scene but I love to experience new places and new things. I would love to meet a friend who is not materialistic. I want someone who is Gentle to touch hold but strong hold , looks are not important to me because they can be deceiving , just want someone who is a great company and enjoys life. But most someone who is challenging , a bright person that makes the simplest task an adventure. Someone that still has a good heart and some realistic dreams not going to the moon. Dog lover's is a plus. Quote