The culinar y, visc oamylograph ic and sen sory characteri stics of irrig ated rice were period ically evaluated
during 180 days of storage at different temperatures (0.5, 20 and 35
C) to determine the effec t of
temperature and storage period on its ageing process before rice mi lling. In lon ger period s and at higher
storage temperatures a progressive in crease was observed in t he parameters evaluated by t he coo king
test and in the cooke d grains dimens ions and more prominent chan ges were obs erved in the visc oa-mylograph ic parameter s evaluated by Rapid Visc oanalysi s. The sensory analysis demo nstrated greater
acceptance in the texture parameter af ter 60 days and in t he aroma, taste and mou thfeel parameters
af ter 180 days of storage at 35
C; meanwhile, the preference for rice with more characteristics of the
ageing process was proven by the choice of 72.5 and 87.5% of the tasters af ter 60 and 180 days,
respectively, of storage at 35