We have ordered some items that could be shipping from China as early as the beginning of February and I would need assistance in making sure I can receive approximately 15 boxes to be stored in Bangkok until full registration and licenses are obtained.
I will be in Bangkok on the 20th of this month and plan to sign a lease for a place to setup our office and storage facility starting in February.
Once the lease is signed and all information provided to you, do you see any potential issue in receiving those parcels? Is it possible as long as we just hold it there and do not start selling until full registration is effective?
There are other orders ready to be made but I would really need your advice prior to proceeding to ensure smooth operations and avoid any costly mistakes.
Also and prior to our final move to Thailand, i’d like to ensure all permit and immigration applications are started. I can come in person to meet with your staff and yourselves and sign off the required documents during my next visit. Please provide a list of any documents you foresee as critical so I can be well prepared.
Finally I would like to know of the best method to transfer funds for the capital, deposits and all other necessities for the move and startup. Please let me know best practice to get this done at minimal cost and most effectively.