Truth or consequences? On Saturday, when the moon in your candid ninth house opposes revolutionary Pluto in your third house of communication, you may find yourself playing a little fast and loose with the facts to get what you want. It might feel like a little white lie to you, Scorpio, but it's a slippery slope—and once you start sliding down it, may have a hard time getting back on the truth track. This is the time to be upfront about your intentions and what you bring to the table. If any exaggerations found out, you'll never be able to work with those people again. Even if you're not confident you've got the goods, be forthright. It's less complicated, way less stressful, and the other parties will respect you more. And if they don't, they're not right the partners. On the flip side: Stay on your guard and make sure someone isn't trying to manipulate YOU or pull the wool over YOUR eyes. (Good luck to them!) On Sunday, the Sun and restrictive Saturn sync up in your money sector, helping you become more mindful of how you're spending your hard-earned cash. The bottom line: This isn't about knowing how to manage money; it's all about your emotional relationship to it and to STUFF. So when the retail-therapy bug bites, stop, tune in, and see if you can figure out what's really driving that urge.