Table 3 shows the effect of various amount of bleached tomato pomace
(up to 7%, w/w) on physicochemical characteristics of formulated
cooked beef frankfurter, beef ham and meat-free sausage. In the case
of beef frankfurters, although dry bleached tomato pomace had a pH
value of 6.12 (Table 2), an analysis of variance of the cooked sausages
(control and tomato pomace added) showed no significant differences
(p N 0.05) in pH value. This could be due to bleaching process of tomato
pomace once pHwas adjusted to 6. The observed effect of tomato pomace
on thepHwas in contrastwith the results of Eyiler and Oztan (2011)
who reported a decrease in the pHwith an increase in the concentration