The monosaccharide composition of freeze-dried exopolysaccharides
samples was determined with HPLC (VARIAN ProStar) by
using Metacarb 87H column (300mm×7.8mm, Cat. No. 5210). The
organic acids were determined with PDA detector (VARIAN 330)
(210 nm), while, the egzopolysaccharides were determined with
RI detector (VARIAN 350), connected following to PDA detector.
The analyses conditions are; mobile phase 0.008N H2SO4, flow
rate 0.4mLmin−1 and 35 ◦C. The analyses were accomplished by
the Middle East Technical University, Central Laboratory, Molecular
Biology and Biotechnology R&D Center (Ankara, Turkey) and
studied as two replications.
The monosaccharide composition of freeze-dried exopolysaccharidessamples was determined with HPLC (VARIAN ProStar) byusing Metacarb 87H column (300mm×7.8mm, Cat. No. 5210). Theorganic acids were determined with PDA detector (VARIAN 330)(210 nm), while, the egzopolysaccharides were determined withRI detector (VARIAN 350), connected following to PDA detector.The analyses conditions are; mobile phase 0.008N H2SO4, flowrate 0.4mLmin−1 and 35 ◦C. The analyses were accomplished bythe Middle East Technical University, Central Laboratory, MolecularBiology and Biotechnology R&D Center (Ankara, Turkey) andstudied as two replications.
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