direct patient reporting could be one of the measures to reduce
the rate of under-reporting.12
The study reported here was designed to determine:
1 Whether members of the general public in Great Britain have
heard of the YCS for patient reporting of ADR.
2 Whether those same respondents who believe they had
experienced an ADR and who were aware of the YCS had
made a report using the YCS.
3 The views of members of the public on the predicted convenience
of the three different ways of reporting (online, telephone,
obtaining a paper form from a GP/pharmacy to fill in
and post).
The omnibus survey is a multipurpose survey that was developed
in the 1990s by the Office of National Statistics in the UK.
At first, it was offered only to government departments but was
later extended to non-profit-making bodies as well. It is most
commonly used to measure the efficacy of publicity campaigns,
assess awareness of new policies, test questions and provide a
sample of respondents for follow-up investigations.13
The omnibus survey contains a set of classificatory questions,
including socio-economic status and ethnicity, and these can be
supplemented to provide information on a range of health and
health-related topics
direct patient reporting could be one of the measures to reducethe rate of under-reporting.12The study reported here was designed to determine:1 Whether members of the general public in Great Britain haveheard of the YCS for patient reporting of ADR.2 Whether those same respondents who believe they hadexperienced an ADR and who were aware of the YCS hadmade a report using the YCS.3 The views of members of the public on the predicted convenienceof the three different ways of reporting (online, telephone,obtaining a paper form from a GP/pharmacy to fill inand post).The omnibus survey is a multipurpose survey that was developedin the 1990s by the Office of National Statistics in the UK.At first, it was offered only to government departments but waslater extended to non-profit-making bodies as well. It is mostcommonly used to measure the efficacy of publicity campaigns,assess awareness of new policies, test questions and provide asample of respondents for follow-up investigations.13The omnibus survey contains a set of classificatory questions,including socio-economic status and ethnicity, and these can besupplemented to provide information on a range of health andhealth-related topics
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