environmental background, and other medically related concomitants.
It also includes information about the current complaints as captured by the medical doctor.
(ii) A rule base, which contains rules that define the connection between input and output fuzzy variables.
A fuzzy rule is of the form:
if antecedent then consequent where the antecedent is composed of one or more expressions, while the consequent assigns output values to the combinatorial evaluation of the antecedent.
The rule base for this study (Appendix B) was designed with the help of medical doctors, who are experts in malaria diagnosis.
One hundred and twelve fuzzy rules were extracted from the data sets.
Fifty-six of those rules are persecuted in Appendix B as the fuzzy rule base.
The rules for malaria disease have 22 symptoms (Fig. 3) as premise parameters.
Some of the rules are as follows: