Ray Allard
why is it i can hear this one without headphones?
3 years ago•
Eric Bartel
haven't figured out any rhyme or reason.... For example they ALL play on my nicer speakers I plug into my laptop, but they don't have the binaural beats. But most don't play at all on just the regular laptop speakers, this one however is an exception.
3 years ago•
can you give me an example of one in which you can not hear it ? .. may be able to help
1 year ago•
meant ,'' PC's WILL NOT PRODUCE lower bass freq. such as ...... ''
1 year ago•
ah .. figured it out ... im guessing your using a frequency sound generating program of some kind to actually get the tones. It all has to do with the frequency itself ... pc speakers even good external ones only produce sound frequency's within a certain range. lower bass freq. such as that which a good pair of headphones WILL produce. To hear the frequency your speaking of without good headphones you would need a good subwoofer.
1 year ago•
James Bilderback
i hate the static hits every now and again.. so frustrating to hear the pop
2 years ago•
Tim Reid
Download this with a flash downloader and play as mp4 video. No more popping or static. :)
2 years ago•
Barbara Bell
What effect is this designed to produce?
2 ye