Abstract— In this research we applied process mining techniques in order to analyze work processes of a healthcare system. The main objective of the study was to investigate the performance of a private hospital treatment processes in Bangkok based on the event logs. Being aware of the fact that currently healthcare systems of majority of hospitals worldwide are equipped with information systems, provided us a great opportunity to access large amounts of the medical data with the intention of the research and knowledge discovery purposes. In this paper, we emphasized on the “Time Performance” of the process instances of the collected event logs from different wards/sections of a hospital in order to better visualize and study the behavior of patients referring to the following sections/wards (as well as the hospital’s administrators/personnel attending to each case) during the entire treatment processes. . The results showed that the treatment process with respect to the waiting time was too long between the wards “Irradiation cystitis” and “Osteoradionecrosi” sections allocating 7.8 waiting time to themselves. Subsequently, the findings of the research can be used in order to help the hospital administrators and managers to better understand the amount of waiting time spent between different treatment processes in such a way that they can improve the performance of handling patients’ demands and needs in a more efficient, effective and timely manner, eventually leading to increased customer satisfaction and better performance.
Key words— Process Mining, time performance analysis, Disco Fluxicon, medical event log, hospital information systems.