What children gain from the bed time story
Bed time story is more shallow then the same tale. Or issues created for entertainment, fun, fun, but if looking to build depth into virtually any eye on all of which have been lying dormant in the content thereof. If used to be the right time and was third. Bed time story is a tool that we use the media to be very clever and ever deeper. "Bed time story" the little story in the home that parents think as story to fool the children , its profundity is not only the door of the idea of creation, but it is one way type of learning communication that contain with fully of happiness, is a tools to sharpness the idea and spirit, is a bridge between parents and is a open door that will take the children to the big world wisely , once upon a time......the word that slowly opening the fantasy land of the small child in this world the lion king for the forest and his small friend, mouse, playing together happily , there is creature in the fairy tale such as fire dragon or the serpent is the main hero of the tale, there is evil witch that in the end will be defeat to the good prince and the last the prince and the princess will get marry and live together happily the end of the tale, the little child will be slept and the last poem of the fantasy tale of the night mostly end with "This tale taught to know................" from the idea of the principle in the tale will make the children receive many good advantage, such as the development of language also the listen speak reading and writing abilities listening, soon after the parent statement the tale, the children will receive the advantage that they heard and tying the understanding the story, to use the language, how to speak, and the way to statement. to speak, the children that listening the tale frequently, they will receive many think which make them speak more they will be dialog, people would understand them. The reading will help them to develop their habit to love reading soon the parent read the tale, the child will get their attention and want to try to read the tale which is the start point to make them to have love reading habit as well and the writing, soon after the child see the alphabets in the books more frequently, they will be learn to copy the symbol, because they think that the word they see is a picture that tells them to understand. in the worm are of the parent would be persuade and the tale in each pages that the child see , heard the parent. In addition to listening and speaking, reading and writing and organizations. bed time story also has many advantages, such as children or listening to the feelings while listening together. Make him relax and enjoy the bright sunshine, children who will listen with tales of a train promote moral and ethical content, making the children and listening comprehension good. And more aesthetic, story will make children or who are listening and know the world in terms of looking good, listeners can use the process curve in consideration of the issue is resolved, bed time story and the courage to create children. Or listen to the ideas expressed through the powerful. So to see that tale useful many. Folklore is essential that parents in each family to focus. Because if we want our children to be a righteous hero and be happy. Tale may be one option to help promote them to children. Bed time story is the world of language picture and texts that appear in the books. It is importance to the development of the children as much as the first meal for them. Because it is the food for their brain and mind, the parents would love to have the children to read the book and becoming a good learner. To make them love to read is not difficult. The children has their own inquisitive already, they love to fun, if they can choose a books that they like and interested, it would be their elemental of their reading ability and become a habit or nature to love reading as well.