Despite all these challenges addressed by the participants, both sides brought their own strengths, which made the
process more manageable for everyone. The personality traits of both learners stood as the crucial factor easing their
experience and the competence of S1 in using the Braille alphabet in English was certainly what made the process
more effective for him and more manageable for his teachers. Unfortunately, the only strong point mentioned by
some teachers was their teaching experience. Apart from this, there was not a consensus on the teachers’ claims as
strong sides. The two common institutional strengths are devoting extra time to the learners after the class hours and
giving more time in exams. One of the institutions was also claimed to have made an invaluable contribution to the
process by providing materials in Braille. The last strength they brought to the teaching context is described under the heading of environmental factors, which include family and classmate support. Both VILs expressed the
priceless support they received from their families in coping with the challenges as well as their classmates’
constructive and friendly attitude during the pair and group works or assigned tasks and activities.