The Arrhenius plot of the reaction rate constant of 2-butanone
+ OH ) products is presented in Fig. 13. The plotted data can
be expressed in Arrhenius form as k1 = 6.78 1013exp(2534/
T)cm3 mol1 s1
. Fig. 13 shows that the measurements for k1 made
here are slightly lower than those performed by Lam et al. [26]. The
difference between the two data sets is consistent and is around
15%. Lam et al. [26] have reported an uncertainty of ±22% in their
rate measurement and thus the discrepancy between the two data
sets is within the measurement uncertainty. Additionally, the recent
theoretical study performed by Zhou et al. [15] is in very good
agreement with the current data. In summary, the two experimental
data sets are within the uncertainty limits of each other and the
current rate measurements form a good validation platform for our
experimental facility.