Subject: 2015 Best Practices
CC: David Simister, Grunjeera Naiyaruxsaeree
2015 will be another year of competitive market. We would like to ensure that efficiency and effectiveness is the key for achieving target performance.
According to the 2014 Attendance Report, a large number of Head Office Staff and on site staff who temporarily based at Head Office have been late for work more than 100 times a year. This does not comply with the company’s culture of discipline. As one company, we all observe the same standard working conditions, especially with regard to time.
Effective January 23, 2015 the company will apply the following regulations:
1. The Attendance Report will be sent to your Department Head on a quarterly basis. The Head of your Department and the administration department will monitor the staff attendance on a regular basis.
2. If any member of staff is late more than 5 times in a month or returns late from lunch or is absent from the office for any reason other than official business, the company reserves the right to deduct their bonus or commission on a pro-rata basis. Otherwise, it will be taken into consideration when determining their salary increase for the following years.
3. The time will be counted from 8.30am in the morning. Therefore, we do not expect staff to clock in and go down to have coffee and breakfast.
4. Any staff member who leaves for breakfast, shopping, etc. (or other private matters without permission) will have the time deducted on each occasion and face other disciplinary action.
5. If you go direct to a meeting or are off for a legitimate reason, please forward a note to Admin. We do not want to make the deductions. We want your attendance and maximum dedication to the job in hand. We hope to see an improvement for a better performance in 2015, not only to meet company standards but also your own discipline.
We have found that there are several staff members who do not turn off their computers when leaving the office in the evening. This has been found many times for the same members of staff. We would like to ask your cooperation in turning off computers before leaving the office. If we still find you leaving the computers on, the above policy on performance evaluation will apply.
Non-employee Access
For reasons of security and confidentiality of information, the company does not allow non-employees i.e. family, friends and ex-staff into the working area. Staff shall not provide access to any non-employee.
Secretary Break
If any department has more than one secretary, please split the lunch break into 2 shifts: one from 11.00-12.00 and the other from 12.00-13.00 hrs.
Aliwassa Pathnadabutr
Managing Director