B) Post Operative Care: Plai, nutmeg
and lemon have been used as a post
operative surgical blend on a knee
surgery. These were of equal amounts
in a 10% concentration in a roller
bottle and applied above and below
the surgical area. Tissue inflammation
and swelling was significantly lower
than in an area that had had the
same surgery without the use of the
Plai. With the Plai blend, no normal
narcotics were needed to control the
post surgical pain.
C) Anti-histaminic: Plai, while being
of the ginger family, does not possess
the classic heat that is common to
the rhizomes. It has a cooling action
on inflamed areas, be them joints
and muscles or kidneys and lungs.
Clients have found that using Plai for
asthma along with tarragon (or
rosemary) and cypress causes the
attacks to greatly diminish in intensity