2. Materials and methods
2.1. Experimental design
Inulin and oligofructose/inulin were added to orange cakes to
obtain functional foods for which prebiotic claims can be made. The
sensory proles of these products and of a standard cake (without
prebiotics) were obtained by Descriptive Quantitative Analysis. The
products were also evaluated for sensory acceptability and preference
mapping in relation to three commercially produced orange
2.2. Materials
The fructans OraftiGR and OraftiSynergy1 were provided by
Beneo-Orafti, a Belgian company that extracts and produces inulin
and oligofructose. OraftiGR is composed of 90 g/100 g of inulin
(average degree of polymerization 10) and 10 g/100 g of
glucose þ fructose þ sucrose. OraftiSynergy1 is composed,
approximately, of 46 g/100 g of oligofructose, 46 g/100 g of inulin
and 8 g/100 g of glucose þ fructose þ sucrose. Beneo-Orafti does
not provide degree of polymerizations of inulin and oligofructose
present in OraftiSynergy1.
The other ingredients used in cake formulations were purchased
in a local market (Carrefour Comércio e Indústria Ltda, São José do
Rio Preto, Brazil) and the same brand and specication were used
for all formulations.