My Second Chance At Life
(there are many things that I have inadvertently left out in this writing due to
my inability to remember certain details. If I can recall them in the future, I
will add them at that time. My apologies to those who were not mentioned.)
A little over eight years ago, I was feeling very lousy and after three
days of feeling terrible and with no sleep, I decided to go into the
doctor. It was a Sunday afternoon. My girlfriend, at the time, her
name was Amy. She was Vietnamese, and she was kind and very nice
to me.
We had gotten into an argument the day before she left to celebrate
her sister's 50th birthday in Las Vegas. They had a time-share there
and were staying at one of the big hotels. Amy had called me just
before they took off in Las Vegas to see if I could pick her up at the
airport. I told her I was feeling pretty rotten, and that I was going in
to see the doctor. She was upset with me, and abruptly hung up.
By the time I had driven to the clinic, I was having a real tough time
breathing, and was very dizzy, no pain to speak of, but very dizzy.
When I finally got into the doctors office, I actually thought all I had
was the flu. I asked if they could give me a flu shot, and I'd be on my
After they had diagnosed me, they told me I had suffered a massive
heart attack. After sedating me, they rushed me off to the nearest
hospital about