First off hello. My name is Dvir, I am originally from Israel. I am an award winning nature photographer, and it is my full time profession. If I could say five things about me it would be that I am an atheist, I love nature more then anything else followed by my love for photography, I love good food, I love to travel, and I enjoy great music. I also feel that the world we live in today, mostly culturally, is a piece of trash (And I am putting it in the kindest of words). What happened to music like Led Zeppelin or King Crimson? To movies like Jungfrukällan by Bergman or Amarcord by Fellini? Or to writers like Hemingway or Steinbeck? If you read this and have no idea what I am talking about, then I am afraid we won't have a lot to talk about. People used to be interesting, once you were able to have an intelligent conversation with actual meaningful content, now a days almost everyone is either dumb or thinks they are smart and unique, and are hipsters, which are worse than the dumb people. If, after reading all of that you still want to send me a message, then you are most welcome, everyone says I have a harsh face, but I am really kind of nice when I open up.
If you bother reading this far, do yourself a favor and listen to this song, it is life changing
I have lived 12 years in the USA, and I am moving to what is probably Spain soon. Can say that I have tasted America, not my flavor and I want to try something new. I will also start a photographic project in the Caucuses mountains in Georgia, Armenia and Russia and also in the Urals in two years, so if anyone has any help or suggestions, I am open.
My work:
For the business side of my work go here:
For anyone that uses VK
My Poetry:
Two Faces Meet