The tree begins to yield flowers and fruits between 4 and
5 years of age. In southeastern Mexico, P. campechiana blooms
May through June, and fruits between July and November
(Juarez and others 1989).
The flowers are light green, sweetsmelling,
and arranged in small axillary fascicles.
The fruits are
pyriform or subglobose berries, up to 7 cm long, 2.5 to 5 cm in
diameter, yellow when ripe, and pulpy, with a thin peel and a
yellowish, sweet-tasting pulp. Each fruit contains 3 to 5 seeds
(Cabrera and others 1982, Miranda 1975, Pennington and
Sarukhan 1968).
The seeds are ovoid to globose, terete in cross section, and 2 to 4 cm in diameter. The seedcoat is light brown
in color, smooth, shiny, and osseous.
It has a long and large lateral
hilum scar that is white or yellowish-cream in color and
occupies part of the body of the seed.