Starting from the first level, local score estimated for each first level criterion has been analysed to assess each single contribu- tion to the final ranking solution. By analysing first two rows in Table 2 , local weights analysis points out that reliability and, sub- sequently, agility are the most relevant process based metrics af- fecting the final ranking in the analysed test case; thus, less im- portance has been assigned by expert judgments for the respon- siveness criterion in this test case. Therefore, reliability and agility represent the two most important features requested to an AR de- vice which have to support the information exchange process dur- ing the maintenance activity analysed in the test case. By analysing local weights estimated for second level and third criteria respec- tively, the data format provided through the AR device has been estimated as the most important (i.e. with a score of 45.2%) fea- ture contributing to reliability criterion. The possibility of providing