Sorry for taking so long time to answer but EyeFoss is a product that we do not sell off the shelf (actually not market released outside Australia yet) and therefore I cannot offer demos or trials in the same way we do for some of our other products.
The best way to get to know the capabilities of EyeFoss is to visit Australia where we have several units installed. There you can see not only how they are used in practice but also share the experience from companies like CBH that has been part of the project from the beginning and used the instrument during harvest time. We think this would be the best way to form yourself a good opinion of the capabilities as well as all other aspects and challenges of implementing a solution where you replace visual inspection with an analytical device which of course is a big decision. This could be a natural step before deciding for a trial since a trial of the unit requires specific resources from CP as well as Foss. As it looks right now, it does not look like I have a demo unit available during the first half next year, unfortunately.
Please let us know your thoughts and we will try to assist as good as possible so that you get firsthand experience with EyeFoss.