3. Methodology
The present study aims at analysing the influence that a leadership style that is appropriate for the organizational cultural environment may have on group performance. The problems surrounding the determination or measurement of levels of performance took into account the specificity of the research and of the variables involved. But this should not be regarded as a drawback of the research, because the research model may suffer various changes so that group performance can be determined by financial or non-financial indicators that may differ from those presented in the present doctoral research. In order for the study to reach an empirical level, the present scientific approach started from the already existing theoretical framework by systematically and critically analysing specialized literature.
Considering the limited access to obtain such empirical material and the large sample that was analyzed, the research method chosen will focus on the quantitative dimension. Another reason behind the choice made is the distinctiveness of the objectives and methods. Qualitative research focuses on in-depth research rather than on an in-width one. It is rather intensive than extensive – the generalization problem. It is not concerned with analyzing a large number of social units, but rather with the intimate processes within a limited number of groups or with the information regarding the intimate structure of the self, of the personality of those being under investigation. (Ambert, A.M. in Chelcea, 2007).
Quantitative research is based on the positivist philosophy. To know in order to foresee and to foresee in order to be able to achieve what you want- is the essence of positivist thinking. As a measuring method, quantitative research calls for methodological monism, which involves explaining phenomena / events in relation to their causes, and individual causes conform to general laws. In order to have a comprehensive overview, starting from the identification of the research scope - increasing group performance and reducing turnover- theoretical investigations have been conducted, analysing possible factors of influence. Therefore the documentary study helped narrow down the area of analysis to the following main factors: leadership, ways of motivating employees, job satisfaction and group performance. After having defined and clarified the concepts under discussion, the exploratory research supported pursuing the stated objectives and research hypotheses in order to build a conceptual model subject to further analysis using quantitative research and using the sample survey.