Supernumerary teeth are a relatively frequent disorder of odontogenesis. They may occur alone or in multiple; be unilateral or bilateral; and appear in the maxilla, mandible, or both. Mesiodens is a supernumerary tooth in the anterior maxilla between the two central incisors. This case report describes the treatment of maxillary central incisors displaced and impacted because of the presence of four mesiodens in a 12-year-old boy. After clinical and radiographic examination, surgical removal of the mesiodens and exposure of the maxillary right central incisor was performed. This resulted in a 14-mm space between the displaced central incisors. Successively, fixed orthodontic treatment was planned with cephalometric analysis. The central incisors were brought to the occlusal plane and aligned, and the space between the incisors was redistributed. Remaining minor spaces between the incisors were closed with composite resin buildup.