The main goal of this project is to develop a cost-effective traffic monitoring system for suburban/rural area
using UAVs. Specific objectives at the initial stage include; investigation of applicability of UAVs to traffic
monitoring and emergency identification by examining regulatory barriers and safety concerns, and development of
a communication system that transmits live video images from an UAV to the traffic management agencies. Details
of sub tasks were set as follows:
• Analysis and synthesis of mission objectives and operation requirements
• Assessment and procurement of an existing platform that best suits the objectives and requirements
• Familiarization of an AMA (Academy of Model Aeronautics) licensed RC (remotely controlled) aircraft pilot
to operate a UAV system
• Familiarization of ground crew to operate and monitor the ground mission equipment
• Collaboration infrastructure among state government agencies for regulatory requirements
• Mission planning for field experiment at local interstate (I-94)
• Field experiment, performance evaluation and assessment for the development of comprehensive airborne
traffic surveillance system
The project concept is depicted in Fig.1 that shows an UAV equipped with video camera transmitting real-time
video images to the ground station. While recording the images are also to be transmitted through wireless internet
to a fixed server which broadcasts to multiple traffic authorities to make quick decisions upon identifying incidences.