I think my best quality is compassion. I always feel with the other person and I feel really awful if I ever hurt someone's feelings or make someone feel sad, embarrassed, uncomfortable, etc. Even when someone is being a jerk I usually can't bring myself to be mean to them. Perfect example is this: I often get phone calls from scammers, pretending to work at my bank or for my internet provider, etc, when really they're crooks trying to steal all my money. Usually they call and tell me there's a problem with my _____ and start asking for personal information. Obviously I always know they are scammers, like, immediately. But I can never bring myself to stay on the phone and call them out on their BS and harass them. I always just hang up. And with animals, of course, all it takes is for me to see one and I'm immediately involved and need to help it. I can't walk away from an animal in any sort of distress. That's why I can't go into animal shelters.
Now time to make myself vulnerable - The worst thing about me I would have to say is vanity. I'm very much into appearances of people and things. I'm a super visual person, so I love beautiful things and beautiful people. I want my house to always look really nice and I want my husband to stay in shape and dress nice. I'm critical of my own appearances and always strive to look better, and feel horrified when a bad picture of me gets put on facebook. I like to have nice clothes, nice things, and I like to present myself and mine in a way that looks good, visually. I always admire women who are super pretty and spend a little too much time looking at pictures of them on google images and wishing I could look like them. I know this makes me seem like a really superficial person, and I won't deny that. Obviously I care about "what's on the inside" as well, very much, but I do care about appearances more than I should.