Logistics is the engine of the global economy. Here logistical processes are constantly faced with new challenges, either by growing global flows of goods, the increasing traffic density or higher demands of consumers for products and delivery services. The complexity of logistics (degree of crosslinking, logistical data amount, number of products) is growing exponentially super (ten Hompel, 2013). Technological innovations, especially in the field of information and communications technology, will help to optimize increasingly complex logistics processes. will influence the future of logistics on sustainable the "Internet of Things". After mechanization, electrification and computerization of the industry the fourth industrial revolution production, logistics and infrastructure is intelligent networking. The entire value chain is "smart". In the intelligent factory cyber-physical systems enable self-organizing production by regulating by means of sensor data information, material and goods flows. The products are intelligent and anytime, anywhere localizable. This will change the manufacturing process decisively: Production will not centrally controlled, but the products control the individual steps of its production even modify the data of products, the parameter the equipment automatically adapt.. Industry 4.0 is becoming a key growth market for IT companies.