Pea 60Co γ rays (40 Gy); FN (2.5 - 15 Gy); EMS (0.1-0.6%); El (0.2%, 0.01-0.06%, 0.005%); DES (0.050.6%); NMU (0.001%); DMS (0.2%); 60Co γ rays (2.5-5 Gy) or FN (0.25-0.50 Gy) + EMS (0.2%) or DES (0.2%); 60Co γ rays (80Gy) + EMS (0.05%); 60Co γ rays (40 Gy) + EMS (0.2%)
1 strong and non lodging stem – ‘alfa’ type; increased number of pods and seeds; early ripening; drought tolerance; great number of fertile branches; increased protein levels; resistances to Ascochyta blight, Erysiphe poligoni, SCCV virus; tolerance to Brushus pisi