Indian customer called in for reservation at 9.10pm for 6people (the restaurant close at 9.30pm) 9.20pm called again and said they were on the way and wanted to ordered on the phone first. They ordered Tomkha vegetarian and bla bla bla.. I repeated the orders about 4times for made sure.. They came in 9.30pm and asked for the seats!! Finally we let them in and then i went out for picking up my daughter. When i came back my husband said they told him they didn't ordered Tomkha but they Tomyum and we had to change for them!! What-A-F!! I'm super mad and wanted to return the car and came to them but my husband said just leave it!! That wasn't enough, they still asked to turn on the air-con more colder!! And they asked to talk with the manager!! I think u should talk to the owner!! What else buddies??? I have indian friends and students. They are good and I love them but these people just made me Hmmmm... Just sharing.. I'll be ok in 5mins hehe