The dim light of night sinks more and more. Today's night is especially dim, sky does not see the star light, dark Yun Piaoguo, has camouflaged the waning moon, instantly, the entire world becomes jet black like black ink, puts out a hand not to see the five fingers, the air, becomes especially depressing seems using this boundless darkness to indicate anything.
„Tonight also is really black excess.” Yun Che talked to oneself low voice that he looked up the sky, the cloud layer was not low, as if under has not wanted the sign of rainstorm.
For a long time, camouflages the dark cloud of moon gradually to flutter, under gloomy remnant photoemission, Yun Che the front, fuzzy appeared the images of two palatial mountain peaks. Under the dark night, then such as two rely on one another vertical holding up day giant.
Golden Crow Blazing Valley entrance, then in these two mountain peaks the places of connection. Surroundings hundred li (0.5km), no sign of human life, the profound beast cannot see several.
„Drew near!” Yun Che shouted one lowly, form starts to lower, but speed actually slow, aura was restraining of enormous scope, brow, little limped.
Passes to the information in his mind by Yun Qinghong, the seal the Golden Crow Blazing Valley entrance, is blockade profound array that the Golden Crow spirit supposes personally. This profound array has high of hundred feet, and has been releasing the golden yellow profound light and blazing aura.
But under so jet black curtain of night, even if also separated by several li (0.5km), profound array golden yellow should also be especially striking. But the Yun Che vision, two mountain peaks, only has jet black one piece, simply does not have the trace that least bit golden yellow profound array has.
In other words blocks Golden Crow Blazing Valley profound array, was really opened!!
„It seems like my guess has fulfilled, Little Demon Empress was really comes Golden Crow Blazing Valley also really to have opens the method of Golden Crow Blazing Valley seal forcefully.” Yun Che said in a low voice.
Moreover obviously, after the Golden Crow Blazing Valley seal was opened forcefully , will immediately not restore, person who behind comes , can definitely enter freely.
Yun Che puts out sound transmission jade, prepares to inform the Yun Qinghong Golden Crow Blazing Valley seal opened news, but just about to speaks, suddenly puts down sound transmission jade, talked to oneself: „Approached confirmed that was quite good.”
Several li (0.5km) distance pulls closer quickly, the Golden Crow Blazing Valley entrance is the close at hand, Yun Che felt clearly the surrounding air current becomes more and more scalding hot, in distance entry position when three li (0.5km) away, its scalding hot were in the degree that the average man was unable to withstand. At this time, Jasmine said suddenly in a low voice: „Immediately falls, entrance position has the human.”
Yun Che Wen Yan, from airborne falls rapidly, then approaches the the front line to go gradually. Under Lightray Thunder Shadow, his whole person is silent. Initially Little Demon Empress completely had not realized his existence under very much short distance, let alone other people.
Great Way of the Buddha each promotion, will let five feeling enormous promotion of Yun Che. He pauses after megalith a two li (0.5km) away, the vision across layer upon layer the curtain of night, really in the Golden Crow Blazing Valley entry position, saw a clear person's shadow.
Although cannot see clearly his appearance, but this person restraining aura desirably, his profound air/Qi, has not given a Yun Che fuzzy familiar feeling.
This aura, the slight constriction, is not strange. This person is
Yun Che short thinking, along with it heart in fierce moves
Hui Ran!!
The King Huai eldest son, the head of Illusory Demon seven defeated the enemy by a surprise attack by oneself at the grand ceremony, a sword pounds Hui Ran that flies!!
How he can here
A Yun Che slightly thinking, in heart then fierce sinks Hui Ran to appear in this place, the only explanation, before is the King Huai palace person such as, are worried about, knew the Little Demon Empress trend, and after Little Demon Empress entered in opened Golden Crow Blazing Valley!
The goal, naturally in Golden Crow Blazing Valley this excellent place, strikes to kill Little Demon Empress!!
Must do this matter, cannot disclose the least bit rumor, cannot leave slightly the trace, person who then moves, must be the person who King Huai most trusts but such person, bearing the brunt naturally is his direct line family member!
Father or son!
Must guarantee that strikes to kill Little Demon Empress, cannot achieve depending on the King Huai strength decidedly. Person who then, King Huai possibly takes, is his father, that goes into hiding for a long time, is very likely to hide in secretly, that King Ming that Profound Strength reaches the pinnacle!
But Hui Ran here, obviously is will be actin