at each business and production site, and our plans call for the
development of 2,000 such leaders globally by FY2015. As for
environmental auditing, we have established an environmental management system based on ISO14001 at all sites, and in
accordance with Toshiba Group’s unique environmental audit
system that covers the management of in-house companies,
product divisions, and production sites, we review progress in
environmental management, ECP development, and environmental action plans at business departments as well as raise
the overall level of environmental activities.
In addition, as a tool for promoting environmental management efficiently and effectively, we have globally established
an environmental management information system to manage
and analyze the results of environmental audits as well as in-house environmental information and environmental accounting data and to manage these in an integrate manner. Further-more, we have created a performance evaluation system for
in-house and key group companies to reflect environmental
management initiatives in performance evaluations. In this
way, we are pushing through initiatives to improve the level of
our environmental activities