The other problem, which also involves the individual student , concerns a distinction which Maslow has made between extrinsic and intrinsic learning. In a talk given at Esalen Institute , California in 1966 , he discussed “ the goals of humanistic education ” and expressed the opinion that most educators concentrated on extrinsic learning to the deteriment of the intrinsic kind. Maslow defined extrinsic learning as “ essentially an acquisition of something which is not of the personality .” It is concerned mainly with learning facts and with acquiring the sorts of knowledge which do not change an individual in any fundamental way. Intrinsic learning, on the other hand, is more concerned with huma growth and development and helps a person to progress towards maturity. Just as it would be worng to divide courses into vocational and non-vacational, so it would be misleading to relate practical courses to extrinsic learnig and liberal studies to intrinsic learning. Education, as the word implies, involves the drawing out development of individual potentialities as well as the provision of instruction in facts and techniques. The teacher seeks to help and guide individual student; hence the art of teaching embraces both kinds of learning.