It allows us to estimate the probability of the occurrence that
respondent i participates in the PHBM program.
The empirical analysis is divided into three steps, depending on
different participation levels. Each step attempts to identify factors
encouraging people to participate in the PHBM program at a
different level. In the first step, we aim at identifying the determinants
of “nominal” participation. The logit analysis is based on
the whole samples and uses the choice variable yni
, satisfying that
¼ 1 if respondent i participates at least “nominally” in the PHBM
program, and yni
¼ 0 otherwise where the superscript of n in yni
represents “nominal.” In the second step,werestrict ourselves to the
sample of nominal participants (or participating households irrespective
of the levels of community participation). To identify the
determinants of “active” participation, our logit analysis uses the
choice variable yai
, satisfying that yai
¼ 1 if respondent i participates
“actively” in the PHBM program, and yai
¼ 0 otherwise where the
superscript a represents “active.” In the third step, we further
restrict ourselves to the sample of active participants. To identify the
determinants of “managerial” participation, our logit analysis takes
the choice variable ymi
, satisfying that ymi
¼ 1 if respondent i participates
in the program at the managerial level, and ymi¼ 0 otherwise
where the superscript m represents “managerial.
It allows us to estimate the probability of the occurrence thatrespondent i participates in the PHBM program.The empirical analysis is divided into three steps, depending ondifferent participation levels. Each step attempts to identify factorsencouraging people to participate in the PHBM program at adifferent level. In the first step, we aim at identifying the determinantsof “nominal” participation. The logit analysis is based onthe whole samples and uses the choice variable yni, satisfying thatyni¼ 1 if respondent i participates at least “nominally” in the PHBMprogram, and yni¼ 0 otherwise where the superscript of n in ynirepresents “nominal.” In the second step,werestrict ourselves to thesample of nominal participants (or participating households irrespectiveof the levels of community participation). To identify thedeterminants of “active” participation, our logit analysis uses thechoice variable yai, satisfying that yai¼ 1 if respondent i participates“actively” in the PHBM program, and yai¼ 0 otherwise where thesuperscript a represents “active.” In the third step, we furtherrestrict ourselves to the sample of active participants. To identify thedeterminants of “managerial” participation, our logit analysis takesthe choice variable ymi, satisfying that ymi¼ 1 if respondent i participatesin the program at the managerial level, and ymi¼ 0 otherwiseที่ m ตัวยกแสดง "จัดการ
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