00:48:35:20 00:48:37:18 All right, come on.
00:48:37:20 00:48:40:15 Why don't we go in the other room?
00:48:43:20 00:48:46:18 -How did you do that?
-What? That?
00:48:47:05 00:48:48:15 lt's pretty easy.
00:48:48:18 00:48:52:05 You just take one of these.
00:48:56:12 00:48:58:05 Tear it in half.
00:48:59:00 00:49:01:02 Just so you know, l wasn't...
00:49:01:20 00:49:04:18 ...trying to off myself or anything.
00:49:07:15 00:49:10:05 lt's just something l do sometimes.
00:49:11:12 00:49:12:15 Doesn't it hurt?
00:49:13:12 00:49:15:08 lt feels better.
00:49:15:15 00:49:16:22 Than what?
00:49:17:02 00:49:18:10 Everything else.
00:49:26:02 00:49:27:15 Like that.
00:49:28:08 00:49:31:10 Then you try and slip them
into the cracks like that.
00:49:38:22 00:49:40:05 ls he a drunk?
00:49:40:08 00:49:42:05 l don't know. Maybe.
00:49:42:12 00:49:44:10 Then you'll have to say no.
00:49:47:00 00:49:49:02 lt's just like Darian and Falcon.
00:49:49:08 00:49:51:00 He was addicted to gambling...
00:49:51:02 00:49:54:08 ...and even though
she completely loved him...
00:49:54:12 00:49:55:22 ...she had to walk away.
00:49:56:12 00:49:57:22 Do l know these people?
00:49:58:12 00:49:59:18 From Santa Cruz.
00:50:00:15 00:50:02:15 lt was more complicated for them.
00:50:02:18 00:50:05:05 They were actually
half-brother, half-sister.
00:50:05:08 00:50:08:18 But Darian didn't know that
when she found out about the gambling.
00:50:09:18 00:50:12:02 Can't believe this is
the advice l'm getting.
00:50:12:20 00:50:16:08 A show doesn't stay on the air
for 1 8 years for being stupid.
00:50:24:12 00:50:27:20 Tonight's Iecture:
''I've Worked AII 1 2 Steps.
00:50:27:22 00:50:29:22 Can I Go Home Now?''
00:50:36:20 00:50:38:05 Bus is here.
00:50:38:10 00:50:39:18 Thanks.
00:50:40:10 00:50:42:00 Oh, my God.
00:50:43:08 00:50:46:08 Let's go, team!
lt's all about trust today.
00:50:55:12 00:50:56:15 Come here.
00:50:57:08 00:50:58:15 Listen.
00:50:59:20 00:51:03:08 About last night, l really think
you should tell somebody.
00:51:03:08 00:51:06:05 -Oh, yeah. l already did.
-Yeah, when?
00:51:06:18 00:51:09:10 This morning. l found my counselor,
and l told her...
00:51:09:12 00:51:11:15 ...and we talked about it.
She'll help me.
00:51:11:18 00:51:13:18 Hold on. You really talked to her?
00:51:13:20 00:51:15:18 No, l'm making it up.
00:51:16:15 00:51:19:08 We don't really have to climb
this thing, do we?
00:51:19:10 00:51:22:02 We don't know the whole story.
We ought to hear her side...
00:51:22:02 00:51:24:12 ...before we go saying what's what.
00:51:24:22 00:51:26:00 Guzzling Gwen!
00:51:26:05 00:51:28:20 -What's with the ring-in-the-roll guy?
00:51:28:22 00:51:30:00 Your boyfriend!
00:51:30:05 00:51:33:10 Andrea, does the phrase
''in confidence'' mean anything?
00:51:33:10 00:51:35:12 You never said not to tell.
00:51:35:18 00:51:39:15 l know better than anyone
how important it is who you marry.
00:51:39:15 00:51:43:18 But just because somebody proposes,
that don't mean you have to say yes.
00:51:43:22 00:51:46:10 -Did someone propose to Gwen?
-Her boyfriend.
00:51:46:12 00:51:49:08 -l thought Gwen was a lesbian.
-l'm not a lesbian!
00:51:49:10 00:51:50:12 lt's okay if you are.
00:51:50:15 00:51:52:08 Can we talk about something else?
00:51:52:10 00:51:53:12 When did this happen?
00:51:53:18 00:51:55:18 Yesterday. On the lake.
00:51:55:20 00:51:59:20 Was it sunset?
Sunset by the lake is very romantic.
00:51:59:20 00:52:02:10 lt was lunchtime,
and he brought a picnic...
00:52:02:12 00:52:03:15 ...with champagne.
00:52:03:20 00:52:05:05 He brought champagne?
00:52:05:08 00:52:07:12 We didn't drink it.
l threw it overboard.
00:52:07:15 00:52:10:12 lt's not a very cool guy
to bring you booze in rehab.
00:52:10:15 00:52:13:05 He doesn't understand
what l'm doing here.
00:52:13:05 00:52:16:08 lf you're serious about getting sober,
your love partner would know.
00:52:16:10 00:52:18:15 You must not be committed
to your recovery.
00:52:19:12 00:52:20:15 -Oh, my God!
00:52:20:18 00:52:22:18 Shouldn't you be doing something now?
00:52:22:20 00:52:25:08 -l got you.
-l say you dump that guy.
00:52:25:10 00:52:29:15 l can make this decision on my own,
okay? l don't need your help.
00:52:29:15 00:52:31:00 That's not what your sign says.
00:52:31:05 00:52:32:15 Forget what my sign says!
00:52:32:18 00:52:35:12 He doesn't know a thing about me!
Neither do you all!
00:52:35:15 00:52:36:22 You don't live my shitty life.
00:52:37:00 00:52:40:22 Until you do, do not tell me to give
up the one person that matters to me!
00:52:41:00 00:52:45:05 l know he's not perfect, but he's the
one that'll show up on my birthday...
00:52:45:05 00:52:47:10 ...and say, ''l'm glad you were born!''
00:52:48:05 00:52:49:15 What's the matter with you?
00:52:49:18 00:52:51:15 -Just let go.
-Trust it.
00:52:52:22 00:52:55:12 Oh, my God! Look at my package.
00:52:57:05 00:53:00:00 No matter where I may roam
00:53:00:10 00:53:03:20 On Iand or sea or foam
00:53:04:12 00:53:08:02 You can aIways hear me
Singing this song
00:53:08:02 00:53:10:18 Show me the way to go home
00:53:11:10 00:53:12:22 Here we go.
00:53:15:10 00:53:18:02 ls there a key to the ladies' room?
Thank you.
00:53:22:08 00:53:23:08 Excuse me, sir.
00:53:24:08 00:53:26:10 Can l have the key to the men's room?
00:53:29:12 00:53:30:12 What?
00:53:31:15 00:53:32:22 -What?
-Eddie Boone!
00:53:33:00 00:53:34:05 Thank you.
00:53:36:08 00:53:38:08 Come on, come on, come on.
00:53:40:05 00:53:41:22 l need some paper, some pens.
00:53:42:00 00:53:43:20 Dad, we need a napkin or something.
00:53:44:00 00:53:46:08 Okay, hold on. Let me look.