A test of endurance
Valid during many months: Most people experience this influence as particularly unsettling, because they often feel that things of great importance, such as family and occupation, are falling apart. Much that you have built up and come to take for granted could now be seriously tested. Things which you have unconsciously neglected may suddenly represent a danger, making you feel unable to cope at work or at home. Even though a few legitimate tricks might have helped you to skip a few rungs on your personal ladder, it is more likely under this influence that your inner pangs of conscience are the source of your torment, rather than some letter from the tax office.
You can expect difficulties and challenges, particularly if you have placed a great emphasis on prestige, image and social success, without considering whether they truly reflect your inner nature. The life you are leading may differ considerably from the one you envisaged as a child, simply because your parents had other plans for you. Pressure from your partner or parents might have made you enter an early marriage, or start a family when you actually would rather have remained independent, but felt unable to say so. Your present experiences are, in effect, attempting to jolt you into seeing where you are not being true to your inner nature. You will benefit most from this aspect if you can face up to the vulnerability which accompanies the recognition that you can no longer escape from your inner truth.
***A test of enduranceValid during many months: Most people experience this influence as particularly unsettling, because they often feel that things of great importance, such as family and occupation, are falling apart. Much that you have built up and come to take for granted could now be seriously tested. Things which you have unconsciously neglected may suddenly represent a danger, making you feel unable to cope at work or at home. Even though a few legitimate tricks might have helped you to skip a few rungs on your personal ladder, it is more likely under this influence that your inner pangs of conscience are the source of your torment, rather than some letter from the tax office.You can expect difficulties and challenges, particularly if you have placed a great emphasis on prestige, image and social success, without considering whether they truly reflect your inner nature. The life you are leading may differ considerably from the one you envisaged as a child, simply because your parents had other plans for you. Pressure from your partner or parents might have made you enter an early marriage, or start a family when you actually would rather have remained independent, but felt unable to say so. Your present experiences are, in effect, attempting to jolt you into seeing where you are not being true to your inner nature. You will benefit most from this aspect if you can face up to the vulnerability which accompanies the recognition that you can no longer escape from your inner truth.
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