The fatty acid composition of sardines canned in tomato sauce is shown in Table 3. There are no
significant differences (P < 0:05) between saturated C14:0, C16:0 and C18:0 fatty acids among the
different studied brands. Comparing these results to the levels of these fatty acids obtained for the
brands in soybean oil (Table 2), lower values were observed for the sardines canned in soybean oil.
The levels of C18:2n ) 6 in sardines canned in tomato sauce showed great variations, especially for
the GT brand (2.42%), with significant differences (P < 0:05) in comparison to the other brands. All
brands of sardines canned in tomato sauce showed low concentrations of C18:2n ) 6 when compared
to the respective brands in soybean oil (Table 2). This effect was also verified for C18:3n ) 3.