Abstract Hospital information systems (HIS) are computer systems designed to
ease the management of all the hospital’s medical and administrative information
and to improve the quality of health care. After a brief historical review, this chapter
describes the overall strategy to select, deploy and then evaluate the deployed
solution. Clear IT governance and IT alignment strategies are prerequisite to HIS
deployment success. Emphasis is put on business process analysis/reengineering to
select the business components which integration will constitute the overall HIS. In
the clinical domain, main business components include the Patient Identification
(PID), Admission/Discharge/Transfer (ADT), the electronic health record (EHR),
the computerized provider order entry (CPOE) and the resource and appointment
scheduling (AS) systems. Deployment phases are considered from basic ancillary
services to integration into broader system and HIS data reuse for research. HIS
return on investment (ROI) is described from a clinical, organizational and financial
point of view.
Abstract Hospital information systems (HIS) are computer systems designed toease the management of all the hospital’s medical and administrative informationand to improve the quality of health care. After a brief historical review, this chapterdescribes the overall strategy to select, deploy and then evaluate the deployedsolution. Clear IT governance and IT alignment strategies are prerequisite to HISdeployment success. Emphasis is put on business process analysis/reengineering toselect the business components which integration will constitute the overall HIS. Inthe clinical domain, main business components include the Patient Identification(PID), Admission/Discharge/Transfer (ADT), the electronic health record (EHR),the computerized provider order entry (CPOE) and the resource and appointmentscheduling (AS) systems. Deployment phases are considered from basic ancillaryservices to integration into broader system and HIS data reuse for research. HISreturn on investment (ROI) is described from a clinical, organizational and financialpoint of view.
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