ln this cose, o production line processing two different products is modeled. The production line is not fully
outomoted; two persons ore needed to ossist with the production. The production line consists of o buffer ot
the beginning ofthe line, two mochines ond o conveyor toking the product from the first to the second
The two humon resources (John ond Jone Doe) hove to operote both mochines for eoch product thot is
processed. The resource thot operotes the first mochine must olso operote the second mochine for thot some
o Products orrive ot the buffer every 20 seconds, normolly distributed with o stondord deviotion of 2
. 5oo/o ofthe products ore oftype 1, ond the other 50% oftype 2, ot rondom. (Use the Bernoulli distribution
to ossign two different volues to o specific lobel).
. The buffer con contoin up to 1000 products.
o The process on the first mochine tokes 9 seconds, negotive exponentiolly distributed.
o The occumuloting conveyor hos o speed of 1 mis.
o The process on the second mochine olso tokes 9 seconds, negotive exponentiolly distributed.
o Product '1' con be processed by either John or Jone.
o Product'2'con only be processed by Jone.
o Creote o reference on for the HumonResourceTeom. Do NOT use "AtomByNome" for referring to the teom!