I need to coppy some words in your translation in Google.
You have not answered me with the words that you say I don't understand the language, but you can manage it, then you will manage ? ? how to do???
I didn't live with my family ,alone, but stay with a friend...if we meet ....... maybe we can go to cinema or eat food , I know !!! it's easy to say that!!!
Do you want ??? I can't understand eng !!!
You can talk and communicate with me how to understand together...It was hard to listen too, I think so.....And if you find me, you want to invite me where to go or what to do.???Why do you want to meet me??
If I had dayoff. Most are not going anywhere I clean room, wash the clothes by hand and I don't have a washing machine, and iron clothes, wash dishes, if you go for a walk in the mall to eat or read a book.