Crikey! Part A—Extract
Since Steve Irwin’s fatal encounter with a stingray in 2006, each September 4 is usually a
sad day for Jennifer. On this particular spring day strolling between biology lectures at uni,
Jennifer fondly remembered her first meeting with the legendary environmentalist, affectionately
known around the world as the Crocodile Hunter ….
Suddenly there was a commotion at one of the checkpoints. A Customs Officer was
trying to persuade a reluctant passenger to part with some prohibited plants he had brought with
him from the US.
“You know,” Steve started as he watched the passenger try to argue his way out of
trouble. “Biosecurity and quarantine are so important to our country. We know how devastating
it has been for our vulnerable ecosystems when XX (e.g., fire ants) got into the country
somehow; it ruined YY (e.g., communities of native lizards and skinks),” he explained.
“How on Earth could something like that have such a terrible impact?” Jennifer asked.
“Well,” Steve continued energetically, “…………………….”