Search Strategy
All meta-analytic methods and sensitivity analyses were specified prior to conducting the meta-analysis but were not registered online. PubMED (1965-May 2010) was searched by
two reviewers (JH and MHB) for relevant trials using the search strategy (omega-3 OR
polyunsaturated FAs OR fish oil OR eicosapentaenoic acid OR EPA OR docosahexaenoic
acid OR DHA OR alpha-linolenic acid OR cod liver oil) AND (depression OR depressive
disorder OR depressed mood OR dysthymic OR postpartum depression). The results of the
search were further limited to randomized control trials and meta-analyses. The references of eligible trials for this meta-analysis as well as any appropriate review articles in this area were additionally searched for citations of further relevant published and unpublished research. No additional efforts were made to search for unpublished works. There were no language limitations.