This study confirms that art therapy is an effective method to reduce depression in the subjects, similar
to the results found by Kim Young-ri and Kim Yoon-jung [6] and Oh Bok-rye [14] with their subjects
showing lower depression scores after art therapies. Art therapy is a way to stimulate the central nervous
system by allowing the elderly to optimally use both hands and to promote ego, thereby, positively
affecting depression in this group by letting them to express oppressed feelings [10,19].
The Art therapy makes patients easily to contemplate themselves since it reduces the resistance of
revealing and it also helps to the formulation of positive self-ego by respecting patients’ imagination and
unique personality. Especially, autonomy and responsibility are given to the patients by the Art therapy.
In addition, the art therapy is very useful to phase patients’ the situation of negative recognition out
through expressing anger and hostility using the positive measures that are allowed in a society and
helps to treat depression by accepting current situation that is protected by the patients [6].
The subjects’ depression scores decreased after the music therapy, similar the results found by Kihl
Tae-sook and Chang Suk-jin [7] and Hsu and Lai [5]. Music brings out emotions in people, eventually