Financial Well-being: The Last Taboo in the Workplace? tackles
the crucial but often overlooked issue of financial well-being in the
The report explores the concept of financial well-being, described as:
‘Being and feeling financially healthy and secure, today and for the
future’ and considers why talking about money and personal finances
has long been seen as a taboo subject, particularly in the workplace.
By looking at the financial ‘state of the nation,’ the report considers how
financially healthy employees actually feel today. As well as looking at the generational differences
that exist, the research also investigates whether employees feel supported by their employers
when it comes to financial well-being. Comparing this to how employers themselves think they’re
doing in this area, the report asks, in reality, are employers helping or hindering?
Crucially, the report highlights the impact of poor financial well-being on employee engagement
and productivity and the potential knock-on effect on company performance. In busting some of
the myths around financial well-being, the report is designed to help employers understand why
financial well-being should be on their radar.
The insights gained from a YouGov survey of over 2,000 British employees from across a wide
range of sectors will help organisations understand the financial support employees want and
need. This is supplemented by a four-stage process and a range of solutions designed to tackle
the financial well-being taboo. The starting point is developing a deep understanding of employee
needs, which will then allow you to build the business case and then enable you to design of a
financial well-being strategy to meet the needs of your workforce. The report is rich in practical
solutions to address and improve financial health of your workforce.
Company case studies in the report illustrate success stories of how financial well-being is being
addressed and share key learning and tips from which other organisations can benefit.
Financial Well-being: The Last Taboo in the Workplace? is essential reading for any employer
wanting to truly address all aspects of well-being in the workplace.