When the teacher then asked, "Who is the class champion?" the students' faces fell. Child A said, "If we were going to do it that way, we should have lined them all up at the start line at the beginning Child B said, 'It will be pretty tough to line them all up now," and Child C chimed in, "If you tell us how many strips there are, couldn't we compare them using the strips of paper? For example, what if we check using the longest Paper strips?" Then Child D continued with the idea, "If we do this, we should use the shortest strip because we might end up with a half strip." Upon comparing the Paper strip to the Rock strip this way, the students learned that the strips were in proportional length, 1:2:3. "Teacher, this strip, the Paper strip, is three times the size of the Rock strip "In that case, if we say the Rock strip is 1 point, the Scissors strip is 2 points, and the Papers strip is 3 points, we can add them up to compare the lengths achieved by each student.