The over dependence on the use of objective tests in the classroom has affected more
than the form of subject-matter knowledge. Objective-type tests make use of items at the knowledge level rather
than more cognitively complex levels. Therefore, a broader range of assessment tools are needed to capture
important learning goals and processes and to connect assessment to ongoing instruction. The obvious change in
the classroom has to be in two parts; a change in the traditional approach of teaching mathematics to PA-driven
instruction and the use of performance assessment tasks. When these changes are effected it will offer the
students an opportunity to reason critically, to solve complex problems and to apply this knowledge in real-life
situations. Performance assessment in mathematics is primarily concerned with connecting classroom learning to
the real world applications of mathematical concepts. However, with the influx of question and answer
pamphlets in mathematics, in Senior High Schools (SHS) in Ghana most students only learn mathematics by resolving
the already answered questions. Most of the mathematics teachers do not teach beyond these questions
and answers pamphlets.