Rice bran oil is unique among edible oil due to its rich source of commercially and nutritionally important phytoceuti-
cals such as, oryzanol, lecithin, tocopherols, and tocotrinols. However, most of these phytoceuticals are removed from the
rice bran oil as waste byproducts during the refining process. γ-oryzanol is one of such component having the potential to be
used in nutraceutical, pharmaceutical and cosmoceutical preparations. It is a mixture of ferulic acid esters of sterol and
triterpene alcohols. It occurs in rice bran oil at a level of 1-2 per cent where it serves as natural antioxidant. The article de-
scribes the production of rice bran oil from rice bran and different methods of extraction of γ-oryzanol from rice bran oil. It
also reviews the health care properties of γ-oryzanol.