this is to certify that li difu,male,born on december,9,1983,majoring in chinese phlology of this university from september 2008 to march 2012,has successfully fulfilled all curriculums of the two-and-a-half graduate program of study,and passed the examinations and dissertion defense.hereby he is allowed to graduate.
qhov no ua pov thawj tias lis difu, txiv neej, yug rau hlis ntuj nqeg, 9, 1983, majoring nyob hauv Suav phlology ntawm no cov tsev kawm ntawv ntawm lub Cuaj hlis 2008 mus 2012, tau ntse fulfilled curriculums txhua qhov kev pab cov ib ob-thiab-ib-nrab graduate cuam ntawm txoj kev tshawb no thiab dhau tus ntsuam hniav thiab dissertion defense.hereby nws muaj sijhawm los mus kawm tiav.
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