animal sacrifice, picked fruits will be estimated at fair value minus point-of-sale costs, even if they cannot be realistically estimated; the estimation at production costs, due to exceptional circumstances, is not possible, as compared to biological assets. IASB states its premises, which states that there is an active market and a suited price for agricultural produce.
Therefore, for agricultural harvested produce held as inventories, the fair value (minus point of-sale costs) is actually the initial value correspondent to the acquisition costs or production
costs (according to IAS 20).
The profits or losses that result from the initial recognition of agricultural produce are
shown in the profit and loss account, and they will influence the end result.
In the case of biological assets or agricultural produce that are similar, IAS 41 allows
grouping them in order to simplify the fair value estimation. The relevant characteristics for
grouping the assets are: nature, naturalness, consumption