Researchers and teachers learning together and from each other using video-based multimodal
Jacob Davidsen and Ruben Vanderlinde
This paper reports on a year-long technology integration project during which teachers and
researchers joined forces to explore children’s collaboration supported by touch-screens. In two
classrooms, 16 touch-screens were integrated into teaching and learning activities; the process was
captured using video equipment and more than 150 hours of footage were collected. With the aid of
digital research technologies and the longitudinal collection of video data, it was possible to study
how the children and teachers gradually integrated the touch-screens into their learning and
teaching. The primary agenda of this paper is to critically reflect on the methodological aspects of
video-based multimodal analysis by outlining and discussing how researchers and teachers can
study children’s touch-screen supported collaboration. Secondly, the paper describes and reflects on
how researchers and teachers learned together and from each other in the exploration of children’s
collaboration supported by touch-screens, using video-based multimodal analysis.