Green Virgin Products has released a new guide that gives consumers another option in the morning that doesn't involve coffee or sugary beverages and energy drinks, the alternative is all-natural moringa tea.
According to a release, a classic cup of coffee with sugar and cream -- or a high calorie specialty coffee both contain melted sugar and warm milk, which are terrible for your teeth. Both also only provide a short burst of energy that results in a crash when it wears off. The same goes for acidic energy drinks and sugary beverages, neither of which are good for your body in the long term.
Moringa tea, as the guide explains, is a viable, all-natural alternative. Not only is it far less expensive than coffee beverages, but there is no associated crash. It has a peppy taste when enjoyed neat, but can be sweetened to taste as desired with a drizzle of honey.
The benefits of moringa tea include a potent daily dose that includes a long list of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and amino acids.
Green Virgin Products is a company focused on providing environmentally-friendly and responsibly harvested moringa products.
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